How Forestry Mulching Works

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Removing scrub and underbrush is a necessary part of land clearing, but it is also often one of the most time-consuming steps in the process—at least if you use old-fashioned methods to do it. Our team at Vickery Lawn Service, Land Clearing, and Stump Grinding does not use old-fashioned methods. Instead, we use the cutting-edge method of forestry mulching. Keep reading to learn more about how forestry mulching works in order to decide if it is right for your needs.

How Forestry Mulching Works

  • Specialized Equipment – The first thing you need to know about how forestry mulching works is that it uses specialized equipment. Older methods of brush clearing involved using handheld chainsaws or hedge trimmers, but forestry mulching instead uses a vehicle equipped with mechanized blades to cut down large swaths of vegetation at once. As these machines cut down the brush, they feed the vegetation into the attached grinder to turn it into mulch.
  • Streamlined Process As we alluded to above, forestry mulching is a highly streamlined process, as we can use the same equipment to both cut down and mulch vegetation at the same time. This allows us to get the job done much faster than we could by using traditional methods, and it also allows a single technician to do the work of several team members at once. If you have questions about how forestry mulching works, simply give our team a call to get more information—we’ll be happy to provide the answers you are looking for.